Thame Remembers

Latest Updates

  1. New project videos from Germany

    We are delighted to have received two videos from Tim Jones (who is a solider in The Princess of Wales Royal Regiment). He helped deliver a cross to Lance Corporal Ronald Frank Harris in January this year, at the Hanover War Cemetery in Germany.

  2. Thame thanks the work of Victoria

    Great nights celebration at Thame Museum on Friday 1 April, for the tremendous achievement of BBC reporter Victoria Cook’s television award. Pleased to see so many project supporters including most who attended the Battlefield Tour with Victoria. Image attached is Victoria with Dave Bretherton and Mike Dyer who arranged the gathering with Patsy Baker.

  3. Kind words from New Zealand

    Last week we were contacted via e-mail from far distant New Zealand. The e-mails, which in many ways justify our project and all that we are trying to achieve, are shared with you here. Sandra says that she was emotional watching the videos but her words bring out emotions too. Corporal Joseph Brown died in […]

  4. Battlefield Tour changes

    Despite our proud announcement last month we are having to make changes to the arrangements for the Battlefield tour. We have encountered problems getting suitable accommodation, primarily in Arras where there is a Motor Car rally on the weekend that we planned to visit. For various personal reasons it has not been possible to achieve […]

  5. Issue 18 now out!

    We are thrilled to present the latest Thame Remembers newsletter. This edition focuses on an award win for BBC Oxford reporter Victoria Cook, a report on our recent Poppy Factory visit and a lovely email from Sandra Choate in New Zealand (relative of Corporal Joseph Brown). Enjoy the read and please share with others.

  6. Victoria wins TV award!

    A huge congratulations to BBC Oxford reporter Victoria Cook for winning a Royal Television Society award for “best feature within a news programme”. She was presented  with her award at a ceremony in Winchester on Friday 4 March. To celebrate, we will be holding a small reception for Victoria in Thame in the next few weeks.

  7. Television award nomination for BBC reporter

    Last October, when we took our Battlefield Tour to France and Belgium, we were very lucky to be accompanied by Victoria Cook, a BBC Reporter who subsequently edited and broadcast four three minute features about Thame Remembers on BBC South News. We are thrilled to learn that Victoria has now been nominated for a Royal […]

  8. Lieutenant Colonel Edsell delivery

    Following the visit to the Poppy Factory, the party from Thame visited Kingston Cemetery to lay a Thame Remembers cross at the grave of Lieutenant Colonel George Alfred Edsell. The delivery was made by Allan Hickman.

  9. Group visit Poppy Factory

    Last week a small group from Thame Remembers visited the Poppy Factory in Richmond, where many of the poppies and wreaths for Remembrance Day are manufactured for the British Legion. The visit included a presentation explaining the story of how the poppy became significant as a token of remembrance.

  10. New roll of honour page

    Further development work from Pentangle and Steve Perry has resulted in a combination of two website pages: roll of honour and delivery reports. We now offer a fully interactive filter which allows browsers to select soldiers by delivery status (all, open, allocated or delivered).  This has also created a webpage for each solider with all the […]